
  • To install and execute:
ansible-galaxy install constrict0r.devels
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.devels -K
  • Passing variables:
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.devels -K \
    -e "{packages: [gedit, rolldice]}"
  • To include the role on a playbook:
- hosts: servers
      - {role: constrict0r.devels}
  • To include the role as dependency on another role:
  - role: constrict0r.devels
    packages: [gedit, rolldice]
  • To use the role from tasks:
- name: Execute role task.
    name: constrict0r.devels
    packages: [gedit, rolldice]

To run tests:

cd devels
chmod +x

On some tests you may need to use sudo to succeed.



In order to run tests with pytest, execute the following steps:

  • Inside your project’s root folder, create a tests directory:
cd my-project
mkdir tests
  • Add your test file inside the tests folder, be sure to prefix it with the text test_, for example
touch tests/
  • Inside the test file add some test functions, each function name must be prefixed with the text test_:
def tests_ok():
  • Call pytest using the command:
python3 -m pytest tests/

Pytest with virtualenv

If you want to use a virtualenv for running your tests, from a terminal:

  • Create the virtual environment:
python3 -m venv .
  • Activate the virtual environment:
source bin/activate
  • Install pytest on the virtual environment:
python3 -m pip install pytest
  • Then run the tests:
python3 -m pytest tests/

Pytest on Emacs

On emacs, you can use the following keybindings:

  • C-c C-c: Execute current script.
  • C-c C-t: Execute pytest tests.

For more keybinding available see the elpy documentation.


In order to run tox, execute the following steps:

  • Create a folder named tests.
  • Add your tests to the created folder.
  • On the root directory of your project, create a tox.ini file with the following contents:
skipsdist = True
envlist = py{37}

deps =
commands =
  python3 -m pytest tests
  • Finally call tox:

Tox on Emacs

To run tox form emacs, step over the name of a test function and execute the keybindings:

M-x tox-current-test RET

Or you can run the entire test suite with:

M-x tox-current-class

Virtualenvs on Emacs

To make emacs automatically load a virtual enviroment when a file inside a project is edited, follow the steps:

  • Create a virtual enviroment inside ·/.virtualenvs, for example name it my_virtualenv:
python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/my_virtualenv
  • Add a file named .dir-locals.el on the root directory of your project with the following content:
;; Directory Local Variables

;; Activate 'my_virtualenv' virtual enviroment from emacs.
((nil . ((pyvenv-workon . "my_virtualenv"))))

Now if you open a file of your project the virtual enviroment my_virtualenv will be enabled automatically.

Emacs, PDB & Virtualenv

In order to run pdb from emacs when using a virtual enviroment, execute the steps:

  • Create your virtual enviroment:
python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/my_virtualenv
  • Copy pdb3 from the system path to the newly created virtual enviroment:
cp /usr/bin/pdb3 ~/.virtualenvs/my_virtualenv/bin/pdb
  • Edit the file ~/.virtualenvs/my_virtualenv/bin/pdb and change the first line from:
#! /usr/bin/python3.7
  • To:
#! /home/username/.virtualenvs/my_virtualenv/bin/python3
  • If you are developing a python package, inside emacs and on first editing, install your package running:
M-x shell RET
python install RET
  • You can now call pdb with
M-x pdb

You will be prompted (on the minibuffer) for a way to run pdb (i.e.: run pdb like this: pdb), you must run pdb passing the path to your file:

  • You can now use the following keybindings:
- M-x pdb RET: Run PDB on a new window.
- C-x: Set breakpoint on current line.
- c: Run up to the breakpoint.
- n: Next line.
- s: Explore (search) functions on current line.
- p: Watch a variable.
- w: Print out the stack.
- u: Go up on the stack.
- d: Go down on the stack.


In order to use python poetry you will need a pyproject.toml file similar to the following:

name = "my-project"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "My description"
authors = ["username <>"]

readme = "README.rst"

keywords = ["devel", "tools"]
classifiers = [
    'Topic :: Software Development :: Devel Tools',
    'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',

pytest = "^=5.4"
tox = "^3.14"

click = "^7.0"
python = "^3.7"

my-project = "my_project.cli:main"

legacy_tox_ini= """
skipsdist = True
envlist = py{37}

deps =
commands =
  poetry install
requires = ["poetry>=0.12"]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"

And then run poetry as a python3 module:

python3 -m poetry install

Poetry on Emacs

You can execute poetry on emacs running the command:

M-x poetry RET

Platformio and Emacs

To use Emacs to handle Platformio projects, follow the next steps:

Create your project directory and enter on it:

mkdir ~/your-project
cd ~/your-project

Obtain your board ID, you can use platformio to search for your board IDE, for example, to show the boards that are compatible with the ESP8266 microcontroller, use the following command:

pio boards wemos

# Shows something like:
Platform: espressif8266
ID                  MCU           Frequency  Flash   RAM    Name
d1                  ESP8266       80Mhz     4096kB  80kB   WeMos D1(Retired)
d1_mini             ESP8266       80Mhz     4096kB  80kB   WeMos D1 R2 & mini

For arduino you can use:

pio boards arduino

# Shows something like:
Platform: atmelavr
ID                  MCU           Frequency  Flash   RAM    Name
nanoatmega328new    ATMEGA328P    16MHz      30KB    2KB     Arduino Nano
pro16MHzatmega328   ATMEGA328P    16MHz      30KB    2KB     Arduino Pro
robotControl        ATMEGA32U4    16MHz      28KB    2.50KB  Arduino Robot
uno                 ATMEGA328P    16MHz      31.50KB 2KB     Arduino Uno

You can also choose your board ID by using the platformio boards or the Embedded Boards Explorer command.

Once you have your board ID, generate the project via the platformio init –ide command, for example using the d1_mini board ID:

platformio init --ide emacs --board d1_mini

Or for the Arduino Uno:

platformio init --ide emacs --board uno

The init command will create the project structure, a platformio.ini file will be created on the project’s root directory, edit this platformio.ini to specify the serial port that your microcontroller is using on your computer, it could be something like /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyACM0 or similar, for the ESP8266 add:

platform = espressif8266
board = d1_mini
framework = arduino
upload_port = /dev/ttyUSB0

For the Arduino Uno add:

platform = atmelavr
board = uno
framework = arduino
upload_port = /dev/ttyACM0

In order to activate the platformio commands on Emacs, you will need to add a .projectile file on the root directory of your project (as Emacs uses projectile as its only requirement), create an empty .projectile file on root directory:

touch .projectile

Next, create the file src/Blink.ino with the following content and save it:

ESP8266 Blink
Blink the blue LED on the ESP8266 module.

#define LED 2 // Define blinking LED pin.

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // Initialize the LED pin as an output.
// The loop function runs over and over again forever.
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED, LOW); // Turn LED on (Note that LOW is the voltage level).
  delay(1000); // Wait for a second
  digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // Turn LED off by making the voltage HIGH.
  delay(1000); // Wait for two seconds.

Open the src/Blink.ino file with Emacs, if you are opening a .ino file for the very first time, you probably have to close Emacs and open it again to refresh the changes made by the package manager.

When Editing on Emacs, you can use the following keybindings:

  • C-c i b: Build the project without auto-uploading.
  • C-c i c: Clean compiled objects.
  • C-c i u: Build and upload.

For more available keybindings, see the official documentation.